Friday, 11.11.2022 until Saturday, 10.12.2022
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The contemporary and conceptual richness of visual arts leads to the possibility of using many adjectives adverbs, or metaphors to evaluate an artistic piece. Aesthetics becomes a research topic in itself. Die Ästhetik wird zu einem eigenständigen Forschungsthema.
From a radical time position, a group of artists alter traditional ideas of representation and explore the importance of destabilizing canons’ conventional scenes; while others select an image, a piece of the past that will serve as the basis for future new work. Both locate the “vanishing points” and mark the position of the horizon, manipulating the elements of the scene to begin to reveal an original image, that will soon be reconstructed into a new piece. Beide lokalisieren die “Fluchtpunkte” und markieren die Position des Horizonts, wobei sie die Elemente der Szene so manipulieren, dass ein ursprüngliches Bild zum Vorschein kommt, das bald zu einem neuen Werk rekonstruiert wird.
Reversals refers to a back-and-forth process at the artwork. While we usually might think of developing a painting or image from raw materials and displaying them in an image that has been already created, the processes in Galleria Azure Berlin’s new exhibition suggests the opposite:
That deconstruction of the image found through forced error, gaming or sabotage, takes the image down in a different and challenging path.